A Tribute

Most of the time, this blog addresses college news and information – and some opinion essays related to higher education. But not this time. This one is a tribute to my friend Daniel Follmer, the Director of College Admissions at the University of Chicago, who passed away on November 4th.

Daniel was an exceptional young man – warm, personable, thoughtful, intelligent and wise beyond his years. It was my privilege to know him and to watch his rise through the ranks of college admission to a position that someone so young rarely achieves. It was well deserved.  To me, he was a star, and I will miss him both as a colleague and as a friend.

To honor Daniel’s legacy, a new scholarship fund has been established in his name. If you or anyone you know  would like to make a contribution, please visit the University’s giving page. The form should auto-populate with “Daniel Follmer Memorial Scholarship Fund.” If not, you can scroll through the list to find his name. Daniel was an alumnus of Grinnell College. You can also make a contribution to Grinnell in memory of Daniel.

May he rest in peace.