On the Road

April 21, 2023

You’ve Been Accepted. How Do You Decide Which College to Attend?

A visit to colleges that have accepted you is a good idea if you can do it. All this month, colleges host Admitted Student Days. And even if you can't make it to one of those sessions, you can still sign up for a tour and an information session at any other time that is more convenient to you. Whether you can tour - or not - here are some suggestions to help you in your decision-making.
April 17, 2023

On the Road with Betsy Woolf – Wesleyan University

Students work hard at Wesleyan but say that it is not a competitive place. Social life happens mainly on campus. The school is fully residential from freshman through senior year. An important mention is Wesleyan's open curriculum in which students direct their own education in consultation with faculty advisors.